Over the past month, I’ve been reading (little by little) Simply Tuesday, by Emily Freeman. In short, Emily is a Christian writer who has gracefully poured her heart out, into her fourth book… Not only are the words gracious, but they are also life-changing! Looking back over my life, before the book and after, I cannot recommend a better book to read – or to add to a Christmas list!

Freeman discusses many things in her latest book, but most importantly, she discusses how it’s in our worldly culture to dream big, live big, and build even bigger – we have an assumption that ‘being small’ is a negative thing… Simply Tuesday spins this perception around, teaching the reader about faith, grace, disappointment, patience and going slow. About dealing with today’s busy schedule, high demand, and boring moments, whilst resting in the knowledge that all these winter moments are chosen… How God is with us in these moments, and we are to take them as they come.
I cannot tell you everything, without simply giving you a copy of the book – every page gives a new, beautiful, and understandable lesson that really does impact the way that you live. I am extremely passionate about what I’ve learnt and I so desperately wish for you all to go and read it! As I’ve journeyed through the book, I’ve developed as an individual, become happier, and found ways to encounter God in the small, everyday!
So pick up a copy, and let these gracious words fall upon your heart!
Eleanor ♥
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