
Distinctivemode’s creative services evolved out of 10+ years experience blogging. This website now exists as a platform to showcase creative services and document a range of work that has refined over the years. Here you will find a more conventional portfolio, as well as an established and mature ‘pages’ collection of writings.

Portfolio and Creative Services:

The portfolio section is host to a range of photography, creative media and travel content. Eleanor has a degree in Architecture and believes in using her creativity to reveal the beauty of this world. Grateful for every opportunity, her travel adventures are also documented and have been sources of cultural education as she continues to work and study.

Creative enquiries can be made here or via instagram.

Honest Journals, Distinctive Living:

The ‘Pages‘ section contains honest reflections from Eleanor’s journal, and are split into two sections: Faith, and Living Well.

“I believe there is power in vulnerability, and I have learnt the importance of leading in this.” Eleanor’s blogs are honest and open as she reflects and journeys through life, with the hope that through her vulnerability, Jesus may shine a light into someone else’s walk. Each blog is a true excerpt from her diary, as she walks through all the good, grace and wobbles of life in your twenties. In her writings, she focuses on the discipleship of her readers, always seeking to equip others in a range of ways.

Some of the aims of this platform, are:

  • to recognise God’s goodness and hand in life
  • to come to know and trust more of God
  • to be encouraged in the struggles
  • to understand more of biblical scripture
  • to practically apply Christian values to everyday living
  • to challenge and journey together to better pursue social justice
  • to provide accessible and applicable reflections regardless of the readers position of faith

Like What You See?

If you like what you see or have a project to collaborate on, get in touch! Eleanor is happy to discuss any creative opportunity you may have.