Playa de Muros

If you follow the blog on Facebook, you may have noticed that I’ve only been posting weekly throughout most of July. This was because I’ve been jet-setting, and didn’t see my laptop (or bed) for an entire 3 weeks! The first week was spent down in Berkshire, where I did a weeks worth of work experience in an Architect’s firm – not much else to say about that! However, the remaining 2 were a lot more interesting…

Here we go with number 4 in the Summer Travel Series : Mallorca!

My family and I flew out to Mallorca, and stayed in the quieter part of Alcudia, taking base camp at Playa de Muros. The beach was beautiful – clear blue sea, white sands, mountain views… I didn’t think it could get any better until the sunset and wow!!!

We also hired a car for one of the weeks, which allowed us to explore the rest of Mallorca – small rural towns like Arta, the city skylines of Palma, and even the mountain trails from Port Soller to Soller!

I’ve learnt a lot about the world whilst being away – firstly, that there is always another beauty just around the corner! I’d spent a lot of June caught up in things, and the world seamed like it was all a bit too much! But when you fly to a place you’ve never seen before, and let it show you it’s beauty, you find yourself stood peacefully, thinking positively, and admiring God’s blessings!

Enough of me – here are the shots!

Eleanor ♥

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