Author: Distinctivemode

  • Fireworks? Finding faith.

    Fireworks? Finding faith.

    Bonfire night is approaching and I am a lover of fireworks. Two months ago, I was out walking with my wonderful mentor and church ‘mum.’ I had just moved back to Bath after a wonderful but isolated 7 months living at home. I was thriving, back living with my best friends and being in community.…

  • It’s Time I Quit…

    It’s Time I Quit…

    I am done and I quit. Things have been quiet over here lately, largely because I had no creativity left. Life has been busy and if you follow me on Instagram, you will know that I’ve been desperately getting through some books. I lost my creativity and got busy. I also walked through a season…

  • Social Justice – Trendy or True?

    Social Justice – Trendy or True?

    Social justice and sustainability have become a modern trend label. However, do we truly know what it means? Lately I’ve been part of a book club, reading ‘generous justice’ by Tim Keller. It looks at a holistic picture of these global issues and as a group we’ve been discussing, learning and asking questions. Through these…

  • JD – Portrait

    JD – Portrait

    I’ve been enjoying portraiture lately. I did a street – style shoot for my brother over lockdown and it turned out well. The abandoned Art-Deco street was a brilliant backdrop to work with. All images subject to copyright –  © Eleanor Hyde 2021 Need a low-rate photographer? Get in touch here. *Disclaimer: Services were offered…

  • Is Worship Hopeless?

    Is Worship Hopeless?

    In our worship and gratitude, we pour out an alabaster jar of perfume over Jesus, and we see his kingdom reviving as we do so. It is our duty and privilege to worship.  “Rejoice always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances, for this is what God wants from you in your life…

  • Minimalism?


    Minimalism has become a ‘buzz word’ often linked to sustainability. The minimalist lifestyle is based around the philosophy that ‘less is more’ and freeing yourself from unnecessary possessions, purchases and utilities will allow you to live happier. Less cluttered lives apparently allow for life to be rich in experiences. How does minimalism link to sustainability?…